Welcome To PowerStoreWA

Powerstore West Africa Limited is a Power Systems Engineering and Independent Power Projects (IPP) development company focusing on gas to power as well as renewable energy projects for captive off grid power supply.

  • We aim to provide wholesale, scalable and modular clean energy solutions to clients within Nigeria and the West African Sub-region.
  • We are an innovative provider of power solutions with emphasis on energy cost reduction, power management and efficiency.

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What We Offer

Our Areas of Core Competencies

Powerstore plays an active role in the technical, commercial, financial and legal frameworks needed to develop, construct and operate an IPP.

  • Technical evaluation of projects
  • Environmental and Social impact assessment
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Commercial evaluation
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  • Plant design & Engineering
  • Equipment and Materials Procurement
  • Testing and Commissioning
  • Performance guarantees
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  • Provision of skilled man power
  • Plant Operations & Management
  • Sourcing and Delivery of Spare parts
  • Repairs and overhaul
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Why Powerstore

Our Value Proposition

Power is a business enabler and therefore clients require a reliable partner with an experienced team to ensure the best value is derived from the relationship.

Economic Cost Savings

We aim to meet the current/future power requirements of clients in a cost-effective manner.

Technical Expertise

Clients benefit from the unequalled technical expertise from the Powerstore team.

Reliable Clean Power

Powerstore would provide reliable power and guaranteed uptime.

Customer centric

Powerstore focus on delivery and customer experience. We do not sell engines and turn our back on the customer.

Reputational Mileage

Our solution is from environmentally clean and sustainable fuel sources.

Enhanced productivity

As our solution provides reliable power, it impacts the overall productivity of client organizations.

Have Any Questions?

Powerstore focuses exclusively on providing power as an enabler of businesses, therefore our reputation is built on the quality of service and the customer experience we provide.

If you have any questions to ask or ways in which we can improve please feel free to fill the contact form and we would get back to you shortly.

    Just submit your details and we’ll be in touch shortly.